I recently bought the Sally Hansen Color Therapy nail polish and Color Therapy topcoat. Usually I don’t spend a lot of money on nail polishes, but they always tend to chip right after I painted my nails. When I saw this nail polish was in store I thought why not try it out!
Sally Hansen Color Therapy nail polish promises, according to their website, to care your nails while you wear the polish. It doesn’t require a base coat, because the polish is infused with an argan oil formula. The special Color Therapy topcoat is also infused with argan oil and promises to extend the wear of your polish.
I have to be honest.. I’m always a bit sceptical when nail polishes say they have a chip resistance wear. This time I thought I’ll give it a try and see how it goes. And I have to be honest again… I was amazed by the longevity of this polish! Most nail polishes I use feel very thin on your nails and become very hard. It’s quite hard to explain, but this polish stays a bit like rubber. Though you can’t pinch it with your nails when it’s dried up, it doesn’t become as solid as moest nail polishes. I think this is why it doesn’t chip that easy. The polish lasted on my nails for at least a week without chipping! Which for me is amazing! For anyone whose wondering I have the shade 190 Blushed Petal, which is a stunning nude with a pink undertone.
I’m curious to find out your experience with this nail polish! Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.
xoxo Annaleid
Lovely colour.
A nude color is always good! This formula sounds interesting x
Thank you! Yes I love this color and the formula!
Xoxo Annaleid
That color looks amazing! I definitely want to try! I actually just nominated you for the blogger recognition award over on my blog! https://wordstolivby.blog/2017/07/24/blogger-recognition-award/
Thank you so much 😊 I feel honored that you nominated me! I’ll do this one soon 🙂
Xoxo Annaleid
What a beautiful color! I do like Sally Hansen polishes but they apply on a bit thick on me
Yes I love this color! Have you tried the color therapy polishes already? I didn’t find them quite thick so maybe that works ?
Xoxo Annaleid
Love the colour 🙂
Thank you ! I love this color too 😊
Xoxo Annaleid
Interesting read! Thank you for the tips. 🙂
You’re welcome 😊
Xoxo Annaleid
I love this nail polishes! I have like 10 of them! ❤️
Ohhh that’s so great! Which colors are your favorite ?
Xoxo Annaleid
Love the colour! 😍
Thank you ! 😊
Xoxo Annaleid
Ooh this looks worth a try! Thankyou for reviewing it x
You’re welcome! I’d love to know what you think of it if you end up trying them! 🙂
xoxo Annaleid
I couldn’t agree more. I’m for quality. I like nail polish that are long lasting and doesn’t chip easily. I’m trying to make my nails healthier and changing nail polish quite often is not helping. Sally Hansen is a good brand and their formula is quite decent as well the quality.
Ahw thank you so much for your lovely comment 😊😊 I completely agree with you ! Xoxo Annaleid
Totally my kind of colour!
Haha mine too! Recently bought a coral color too! I’ll post a pictures on instagram soon:) Love that one too!
xoxo Annaleid